To Soak or Not to Soak

“Take your time” is a phrase that my mind has never really grasped very well.  I pretty much attempt to do all things full speed ahead. I also am always looking for a way to use the least amount of time and energy to reach a desired purpose.  

Reluctantly, I must confess that I used to think soaking beans, peas, and the likes was a huge waste of time. For years, I just rinsed my beans before cooking them.

The peas in the upper left are the black-eyed peas or field peas as they are known around these parts.

My flippant, rushed attitude about the soaking procedure was a huge mistake. I am learning that patience is always rewarded and that there is a reason for the “madness” of waiting for those beans to soak.  

Without soaking your beans and peas, digestive ills such as gas, hearburn, and reflux may result. Here’s why.

When legumes soak in cold water, they release phytic acid and enzyme inhibitors. These substances provide a scum that rises to the top of the water. Once you remove that scum, you are much less vulnerable to bloating and digestive issues.  

So trust me, I’ve learned my lesson: soaking beans and peas is well worth the wait.

Go now and enjoy your favorite bean soup or a huge bowl of healthy black-eyed peas with homemade jalapeño cornbread!

Comfort Food at it's best! This meal is not only healthy, but crazy with flavor!! Collards and Bean Soup!!
Comfort food at its best. This meal is not only healthy, but crazy with flavor!! Collards and Bean Soup.

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